Artistic Director

Nina HümpelNina Hümpel studied theater studies with an emphasis on dance history, and also literary studies and philosophy in Munich.

Since 1996 she has been the publisher of, the internet portal for artistic stage dance in German-speaking countries, for which she received the German Dance Recognition Award in 2014. She is a member of the initiative Access to Dance – Tanzplan München; with its broad network the initiative is committed to creating better access for contemporary dance in the city. To assist in accomplishing this, in 2005 she founded, the dance portal for Bavaria.

Nina Hümpel was a jury member of the Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (Bavarian State Association of Contemporary Dance); the Kultureller Ehrenpreis (cultural honor award) and the dance jury of the City of Munich's Department of Arts as well as the Fonds für Darstellende Künste (Fund for Performing Arts) in Berlin, Programm Kreativtransfer and the Deutscher Tanzpreis des Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (German dance award by the umbrella organisation dance Germany). 

She is a founding and board member of Tanz.Media and since 2021 has been a board member of Dachverband Tanz Deutschland (umbrella organization dance Germany). 

Together with Tobias Ehinger she curated the gala program for the German dance award in 2020, 2021 and 2022.

She teaches dance history and dance journalism at several institutions and universities.

She curated together with Dieter Buroch DANCE, the City of Munich's international festival of contemporary dance, for the first time in 2012. She was the sole artistic director for the subsequent editions of the dance biennale in the years 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 and 2023. 

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